All Classes and Interfaces

Implement some abstract methods using jsf technology.
Spring Boot Auto Configuration of AdminFaces.
This class maps AdminfacesProperties to system properites, so they will be found by AdminConfig.
Configuration properties of AdminFaces.
ControlSidebar properties.
Simple definition of a mapping between an Annotation and a scope.
A concrete implementation of AbstractAuthorizeTag for use with standard Facelets rendering technology.
TagHandler of anonymous user.
A concrete implementation of AbstractAuthorizeTag for use with standard Facelets rendering technology.
TagHandler of authenticated user.
Marker interfaces for auto configuration classes, which configure a CDI implementation (i.e.
Auto configuration for jakarta.enterprise.context.*Scoped annotations support.
ClassGraph based alternative to JandexDiscoveryStrategy.
Abstract RuntimeHintsRegistrar which performs a Classpath scan using ClassGraph.
Utility class for handling classpath scan results.
A ResourceManager that delegates to multiple ResourceManager instances.
Add custom JSF CDI scope implementations.
A concrete implementation of AbstractAuthorizeTag for use with standard Facelets rendering technology.
A standard Facelets TagHandler for performing Spring Security authorization decisions.
This class provides static methods that are registered as EL functions and available for use in Unified EL expressions in standard Facelets views.
Helper methods for the implementations of the AnnotationProvider SPI's of Mojarra and MyFaces.
Extension of Springs own FacesContextUtils.
Marker interfaces for auto configuration classes, which configure a JSF implementation (i.e.
Auto configuration for ViewScoped annotations support.
A concrete implementation of AbstractFaceletsAuthorizeTag for use with standard Facelets rendering technology.
TagHandler of fully authenticated user.
A ServletContextInitializer which looks for all init parameters in an ServletContextInitParameterProperties object by reflection.
Valitador class for disableDefaultBeanValidator parameter.
Configuration Properties for Jakarta Faces 4.
Spring Boot Auto Configuration of Jetty.
Configuration properties of jetty.
Mojarra AnnotationProvider implementation which will use existing scan results, if available.
Servlet context configurer of MyFaces.
This class analyzes the SpringApplication and its context.
Joinfaces Auto Configuration.
RuntimeHintsRegistrar for JoinFaces.
Spring Boot will by default register a OpenEntityManagerInViewInterceptor to apply the "Open EntityManager in View" pattern, i.e.
This BeanPostProcessor injects JSF artifacts which use a custom qualifier annotation.
JSF 2.3-like Bean Definitions.
Jsf Tomcat lifecycle listener to add resources to jsf access resources at unpackaged or embedded jar.
This class wraps an MessageSource and exposes it through the Map API so it can be easily accessed from JSF.
Spring AOT Processor which performs the classpath scan for JoinFacesAnnotationProvider.
Spring Boot Auto Configuration for Mojarra.
Servlet Context Initializer of Mojarra.
Configuration properties of Mojarra.
Configuration Properties added with MyFaces 2.3.
MyFaces Configuration Properites added in MyFaces 2.3-next and 4.0.
Spring AOT Processor which performs the classpath scan for JoinFacesAnnotationProvider.
Spring Boot Auto Configuration of MyFaces.
Servlet context initializer of MyFaces.
Configuration properties of MyFaces.
Removed in MyFaces 4
Spi class of injectionProvider property..
Validator class of beanBeforeJsfValidation property.
RuntimeHintsRegistrar for Apache MyFaces.
Special BeanArchiveHandler which can handle the new "jar:nested:" urls introduced with Spring Boot 3.2.
Simple Container implementation which does nothing.
Auto Configuration for Omnifaces.
Configuration properties of OmniFaces.
Spring Boot Auto Configuration for Apache OpenWebBeans.
Configuration properties for Primefaces 10.0.0.
Configuration properties for Primefaces 4.0.
Configuration properties for Primefaces 5.0.
Nested property class for
Configuration properties for Primefaces 5.1.
Configuration properties for Primefaces 5.2+.
Configuration properties for Primefaces 6+.
Configuration properties for Primefaces 6.2+.
Configuration properties for Primefaces 8.0+.
Spring Boot Auto Configuration for Primefaces.
Auto Configuration for Primefaces 10.0.0+.
Auto Configuration for Primefaces 4.0.
Auto Configuration for Primefaces 5.0.
Auto Configuration for Primefaces 5.1.
Auto Configuration for Primefaces 5.2+.
Auto Configuration for Primefaces 6.0.
Auto Configuration for Primefaces 6.2+.
Auto Configuration for Primefaces 8.0+.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Auto configuration of JSF ProjectStage.
BeanPostProcessor for setting the JSF project stage.
AOT processor for Rewrite AnnotationHandlers.
Spring Boot Auto Configuration of Rewrite.
ConfigurationProperties for the RewriteFilter.
Configuration properties of Rewrite.
AOT Processor which performs the ClasspathScan for ServletContainerInitializerRegistrationBean.
Marker interface for all configuration properties which contain init parameters to be set on a servlet context.
Common base class for all auto-configuration classes which provide properties as ServletContext init parameters.
Helper class for Servlet Context Listeners.
This Configuration adds listeners to the servlet-context in a non-programmatic way, so they aren't affected by the restrictions for programmatically registered listeners of Section 4.4 of the Servlet Specification.
This TomcatContextCustomizer adds listeners to the servlet-context in a non-programmatic way, so they aren't affected by the restrictions for programmatically registered listeners of Section 4.4 of the Servlet Specification.
This UndertowDeploymentInfoCustomizer adds listeners to the servlet-context in a non-programmatic way, so they aren't affected by the restrictions for programmatically registered listeners of Section 4.4 of the Servlet Specification.
Utility Methods for working with ServletContexts.
An HttpConfigurationProvider that scans classes in the classpath for Rewrite Annotations.
SpringDataJpaLazyDataModel<T,ID,R extends<T,ID> &<T>>
Primefaces LazyDataModel implementation which wraps a Spring Data JPA Repository.
Primefaces LazyDataModel implementation which wraps a Spring Data Repository.
Mojarra FaceletConfigResourceProvider implementation which uses the current Spring Context as ResourcePatternResolver in order to resolve the facelet config files.
MyFaces FaceletConfigResourceProvider implementation which uses the current Spring Context as ResourcePatternResolver in order to resolve the facelet config files.
Mojarra FacesConfigResourceProvider implementation which uses the current Spring Context as ResourcePatternResolver in order to resolve the faces config files.
MyFaces FacesConfigResourceProvider implementation which uses the current Spring Context as ResourcePatternResolver in order to resolve the faces config files.
Auto configuration for Spring Session.
Servlet filter which re-sets session attributes in order to workaround spring-projects/spring-session#177.
This class registers listeners to the servlet context, which would normally registered in a tld file.
Auto configuration for Apache MyFaces Tobago.
Creating tomcat auto configuration to enable jsf read facelets at integration tests.
Tomcat runtime environment.
Spring Boot Auto Configuration of Undertow.
Configuration properties of Undertow.
Implementation of view scope.
An AutoConfiguration which registers the ViewScope scope.
RegistrationBean for web-fragment.xml files.
This class initialize weld in order to have a full cdi environment.