Class MyfacesProperties

All Implemented Interfaces:

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix="joinfaces.myfaces") public class MyfacesProperties extends Object implements ServletContextInitParameterProperties
Configuration properties of MyFaces. Taken from and from
  • Constructor Details

    • MyfacesProperties

      public MyfacesProperties()
  • Method Details

    • getLogWebContextParams

      public String getLogWebContextParams()
      Indicate if log all web config params should be done before initialize the webapp.
    • getEnumConverterAllowStringPasstrough

      public Boolean getEnumConverterAllowStringPasstrough()
      If value is a String instance and this param is true, pass it directly without try any change.
    • getErrorHandler

      public String getErrorHandler()
      Deprecated: use JSF 2.0 ExceptionHandler.
    • getCheckedViewidCacheSize

      public Integer getCheckedViewidCacheSize()
      Controls the size of the cache used to 'remember' if a view exists or not.
    • getCheckedViewidCacheEnabled

      public Boolean getCheckedViewidCacheEnabled()
      Enable or disable a cache used to 'remember' if a view exists or not and reduce the impact " + "of sucesive calls to ExternalContext.getResource().
    • getPrettyHtml

      public Boolean getPrettyHtml()
      If true, rendered HTML code will be formatted, so that it is "human readable".
    • getAllowJavascript

      public Boolean getAllowJavascript()
      This parameter tells MyFaces if javascript code should be allowed in the rendered HTML output.
    • getConfigRefreshPeriod

      public Duration getConfigRefreshPeriod()
      Set the time in seconds that check for updates of web.
    • getViewstateJavascript

      public Boolean getViewstateJavascript()
      Set the view state using a javascript function instead a hidden input field.
    • getRenderViewstateId

      public Boolean getRenderViewstateId()
      Define if the input field that should store the state.
    • getStrictXhtmlLinks

      public Boolean getStrictXhtmlLinks()
      Use & entity instead a plain & character within HTML.
    • getRenderClearJavascriptForButton

      public Boolean getRenderClearJavascriptForButton()
      This param renders the clear javascript on button necessary only for compatibility with hidden fields feature of myfaces.
    • getRenderHiddenFieldsForLinkParams

      public Boolean getRenderHiddenFieldsForLinkParams()
      This param renders hidden fields at the end of h:form for link params when h:commandLink + f:param is used, instead use javascript to create them.
    • getSaveFormSubmitLinkIe

      public Boolean getSaveFormSubmitLinkIe()
      Add a code that save the form before submit using a link.
    • getDelegateFacesServlet

      public Class<?> getDelegateFacesServlet()
      Define an alternate class name that will be used to initialize MyFaces, instead the default javax.
    • getRefreshTransientBuildOnPss

      public String getRefreshTransientBuildOnPss()
      Indicate if the facelet associated to the view should be reapplied when the view is refreshed.
    • getRefreshTransientBuildOnPssPreserveState

      public Boolean getRefreshTransientBuildOnPssPreserveState()
      Enable or disable a special mode that enable full state for parent components containing c:if, c:forEach, c:choose and ui:include with src=ELExpression.
    • getValidateXml

      public Boolean getValidateXml()
      If set to true, tag library XML files and faces config XML files using schema will be validated during application start up.
    • getWrapScriptContentWithXmlCommentTag

      public Boolean getWrapScriptContentWithXmlCommentTag()
      Wrap content inside script with xml comment to prevent old browsers to display it.
    • getRenderFormSubmitScriptInline

      public Boolean getRenderFormSubmitScriptInline()
      If set true, render the form submit script inline, as in myfaces core 1.
    • getDebugPhaseListener

      public Boolean getDebugPhaseListener()
      Enable/disable DebugPhaseListener feature, with provide useful information about ValueHolder variables (submittedValue, localValue, value).
    • getStrictJsf2RefreshTargetAjax

      public Boolean getStrictJsf2RefreshTargetAjax()
      Detect if a target (usually head) should be update for the current view in an ajax render operation.
    • getStrictJsf2CcElResolver

      public String getStrictJsf2CcElResolver()
      Change default getType() behavior for composite component EL resolver, from return null (see JSF 2_0 spec section 5_6_2_2) to use the metadata information added by composite:attribute, ensuring components working with chained EL expressions to find the right type when a getType() is called over the source EL expression.
    • getDefaultResponseWriterContentTypeMode

      public String getDefaultResponseWriterContentTypeMode()
      Define the default content type that the default ResponseWriter generates, when no match can be derived from HTTP Accept Header.
    • getViewUniqueIdsCacheEnabled

      public Boolean getViewUniqueIdsCacheEnabled()
      Enable or disable a cache used to 'remember' the generated facelets unique ids " + "and reduce the impact over memory usage.
    • getComponentUniqueIdsCacheSize

      public Integer getComponentUniqueIdsCacheSize()
      Set the size of the cache used to store strings generated using SectionUniqueIdCounter for component ids.
    • getSupportJspAndFacesEl

      public Boolean getSupportJspAndFacesEl()
      If set false, myfaces won't support JSP and javax.faces.el. JSP are deprecated in " + "JSF 2.X, javax.faces.el in in JSF 1.2. Default value is true.
    • getGaeJsfJarFiles

      public String getGaeJsfJarFiles()
      When the application runs inside Google Application Engine container (GAE), indicate which jar files should be scanned for files (faces-config, facelets taglib or annotations).
    • getGaeJsfAnnotationsJarFiles

      public String getGaeJsfAnnotationsJarFiles()
      When the application runs inside Google Application Engine container (GAE), indicate which jar files should be scanned for annotations.
    • getStrictJsf2ViewNotFound

      public Boolean getStrictJsf2ViewNotFound()
      If this param is set to true, a check will be done in Restore View Phase to check if the viewId exists or not and if it does not exists, a 404 response will be thrown.
    • getEarlyFlushEnabled

      public Boolean getEarlyFlushEnabled()
      Enable or disable an early flush which allows to send e.g. the HTML-Head to the client " + "while the rest gets rendered. It's a well known technique to reduce the time for loading a page.
    • getCdiManagedConvertersEnabled

      public Boolean getCdiManagedConvertersEnabled()
      Enable or disable CDI support for converters.
    • getCdiManagedValidatorsEnabled

      public Boolean getCdiManagedValidatorsEnabled()
      Enable or disable CDI support for validators.
    • getStrictJsf2FaceletsCompatibility

      public Boolean getStrictJsf2FaceletsCompatibility()
      This param makes components like c:set, ui:param and templating components like ui:decorate, ui:composition and ui:include to behave like the ones provided originally in facelets 1_1_x.
    • getRenderFormViewStateAtBegin

      public Boolean getRenderFormViewStateAtBegin()
      This param makes h:form component to render the view state and other hidden fields at the beginning of the form.
    • getFlashScopeDisabled

      public Boolean getFlashScopeDisabled()
      Defines whether flash scope is disabled, preventing add the Flash cookie to the response.
    • getNumberOfViewsInSession

      public Integer getNumberOfViewsInSession()
      Defines the amount (default = 20) of the latest views are stored in session.
    • getNumberOfSequentialViewsInSession

      public Integer getNumberOfSequentialViewsInSession()
      Indicates the amount of views (default is not active) that should be stored in session between sequential POST or POST-REDIRECT-GET if org.
    • getNumberOfFlashTokensInSession

      public Integer getNumberOfFlashTokensInSession()
      Indicate the max number of flash tokens stored into session.
    • getFacesFlowClientWindowIdsInSession

      public Integer getFacesFlowClientWindowIdsInSession()
      Indicate the max number of client window ids stored into session by faces flow.
    • getSupportEl3ImportHandler

      public Boolean getSupportEl3ImportHandler()
      This parameter specifies whether or not the ImportHandler will be supported.
    • getResourceMaxTimeExpires

      public Duration getResourceMaxTimeExpires()
      Set the max time in miliseconds set on the "Expires" header for a resource rendered by the default ResourceHandler.
    • getResourceHandlerCacheSize

      public Integer getResourceHandlerCacheSize()
      Controls the size of the cache used to check if a resource exists or not.
    • getResourceHandlerCacheEnabled

      public Boolean getResourceHandlerCacheEnabled()
      Enable or disable the cache used to "remember" if a resource handled by the default ResourceHandler exists or not.
    • getUseEncryption

      public Boolean getUseEncryption()
      Indicate if the view state is encrypted or not.
    • getSecret

      public String getSecret()
      Defines the secret (Base64 encoded) used to initialize the secret key for encryption algorithm.
    • getSecretCache

      public Boolean getSecretCache()
      If is set to "false", the secret key used for encryption algorithm is not cached.
    • getAlgorithm

      public String getAlgorithm()
      Indicate the encryption algorithm used for encrypt the view state.
    • getAlgorithmIv

      public String getAlgorithmIv()
      Defines the initialization vector (Base64 encoded) used for the encryption algorithm.
    • getAlgorithmParameters

      public String getAlgorithmParameters()
      Defines the default mode and padding used for the encryption algorithm.
    • getSerialFactory

      public Class<? extends org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.serial.SerialFactory> getSerialFactory()
      Defines the factory class name using for serialize/deserialize the view state returned by state manager into a byte array.
    • getCompressStateInClient

      public Boolean getCompressStateInClient()
      Indicate if the view state should be compressed before encrypted(optional) and encoded.
    • getMacAlgorithm

      public String getMacAlgorithm()
      Indicate the algorithm used to calculate the Message Authentication Code that is added to the view state.
    • getMacSecret

      public String getMacSecret()
      Define the initialization code that are used to initialize the secret key used on the Message Authentication Code algorithm.
    • getMacSecretCache

      public Boolean getMacSecretCache()
      If is set to "false", the secret key used for MAC algorithm is not cached.
    • getLazyLoadConfigObjects

      public Boolean getLazyLoadConfigObjects()
      Indicate if the classes associated to components, converters, validators or behaviors should be loaded as soon as they are added to the current application instance or instead loaded in a lazy way.
    • getStrictJsf2AllowSlashLibraryName

      public Boolean getStrictJsf2AllowSlashLibraryName()
      Allow slash in the library name of a Resource.
    • getResourceBufferSize

      public org.springframework.util.unit.DataSize getResourceBufferSize()
      Define the default buffer size that is used between Resource.
    • getRandomKeyInCsrfSessionToken

      public String getRandomKeyInCsrfSessionToken()
      Defines how to generate the csrf session token.
    • getRandomKeyInCsrfSessionTokenLength

      public Integer getRandomKeyInCsrfSessionTokenLength()
      Set the default length of the random key used for the csrf session token.
    • getRandomKeyInCsrfSessionTokenSecureRandomClass

      public String getRandomKeyInCsrfSessionTokenSecureRandomClass()
      Sets the random class to initialize the secure random id generator.
    • getRandomKeyInCsrfSessionTokenSecureRandomProvider

      public String getRandomKeyInCsrfSessionTokenSecureRandomProvider()
      Sets the random provider to initialize the secure random id generator.
    • getRandomKeyInCsrfSessionTokenSecureRandomAlgoritm

      public String getRandomKeyInCsrfSessionTokenSecureRandomAlgoritm()
      Sets the random algorithm to initialize the secure random id generator.
    • getClientViewStateTimeout

      public Duration getClientViewStateTimeout()
      Define the time in minutes where the view state is valid when client side state saving is used.
    • getSerializeStateInSession

      public Boolean getSerializeStateInSession()
      Indicate if the state should be serialized before save it on the session.
    • getCompressStateInSession

      public Boolean getCompressStateInSession()
      Indicates that the serialized state will be compressed before it is written to the session.
    • getCacheOldViewsInSessionMode

      public Boolean getCacheOldViewsInSessionMode()
      This parameter has been removed from 2.
    • getUseFlashScopePurgeViewsInSession

      public Boolean getUseFlashScopePurgeViewsInSession()
      Allow use flash scope to keep track of the views used in session and the previous ones, so server side state saving can delete old views even if POST-REDIRECT-GET pattern is used.
    • getRandomKeyInViewStateSessionToken

      public String getRandomKeyInViewStateSessionToken()
      Adds a random key to the generated view state session token.
    • getRandomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenLength

      public Integer getRandomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenLength()
      Set the default length of the random key added to the view state session token.
    • getRandomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomClass

      public Class<? extends SecureRandom> getRandomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomClass()
      Sets the random class to initialize the secure random id generator.
    • getRandomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomProvider

      public String getRandomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomProvider()
      Sets the random provider to initialize the secure random id generator.
    • getRandomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomAlgorithm

      public String getRandomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomAlgorithm()
      Sets the random algorithm to initialize the secure random id generator.
    • getValidate

      public Boolean getValidate()
      Validate if the managed beans and navigations rules are correct.
    • getAnnotation

      public MyfacesProperties.Annotation getAnnotation()
    • getInitializeSkipJarFacesConfigScan

      public Boolean getInitializeSkipJarFacesConfigScan()
      If the flag is true, the algoritm skip jar scanning for faces-config files to check if the current application requires FacesServlet to be added dynamically (servlet spec 3).
    • getElResolverComparator

      public Class<? extends Comparator<jakarta.el.ELResolver>> getElResolverComparator()
      The Class of an Comparator<ELResolver/> implementation.
    • getElResolverPredicate

      public Class<?> getElResolverPredicate()
      The Class of an Predicate<ELResolver> implementation. If used and returns true for a ELResolver instance, such resolver will not be installed in ELResolvers chain. Use with caution - can break functionality defined in JSF specification 'ELResolver Instances Provided by Faces'. For MyFaces versions up to 2.2.x the class provided here must implement the Predicate interface, since version 2.3.0 the class must implement the Predicate interface.
      See Also:
      • ResolverBuilderBase.EL_RESOLVER_PREDICATE
      • Predicate
      • Predicate
    • getDefaultWindowMode

      public String getDefaultWindowMode()
      no description.
    • getErrorTemplateResource

      public String getErrorTemplateResource()
      Indicate the template name used to render the default error page used by MyFaces specific error handler implementation.
    • getDebugTemplateResource

      public String getDebugTemplateResource()
      Indicate the template name used to render the default debug page (see ui:debug tag).
    • getErrorHandling

      public Boolean getErrorHandling()
      Indicate if myfaces is responsible to handle errors.
    • getAutocompleteOffViewState

      public Boolean getAutocompleteOffViewState()
      Add autocomplete="off" to the view state hidden field.
    • getUseMultipleJsFilesForJsfUncompressedJs

      public Boolean getUseMultipleJsFilesForJsfUncompressedJs()
      If this param is true and the project stage is development mode, the source javascript files will be loaded separately instead have all in just one file, to preserve line numbers and make javascript debugging of the default jsf javascript file more simple.
    • getJsfJsMode

      public String getJsfJsMode()
      Define the mode used for jsf.
    • getTemporalResourcehandlerCacheEnabled

      public Boolean getTemporalResourcehandlerCacheEnabled()
      If this param is set to true (default false), a temporal directory is created and all files handled by this ResourceLoader are cached there, avoiding the problem described on MYFACES-3586.
    • getServiceProviderFinder

      public Class<? extends org.apache.myfaces.spi.ServiceProviderFinder> getServiceProviderFinder()
      Class name of a custom ServiceProviderFinder implementation.
    • getSpi

      public MyfacesProperties.Spi getSpi()
    • getCheckIdProductionMode

      public String getCheckIdProductionMode()
      Define how duplicate ids are checked when ProjectStage is Production, by default (auto) it only check ids of components that does not encapsulate markup (like facelets UILeaf).
    • getMarkInitialStateWhenApplyBuildView

      public Boolean getMarkInitialStateWhenApplyBuildView()
      no description.
    • getWrapTagExceptionsAsContextAware

      public Boolean getWrapTagExceptionsAsContextAware()
      Wrap exception caused by calls to EL expressions, so information like the location, expression string and tag name can be retrieved by the ExceptionHandler implementation and used to output meaningful information about itself.
    • getCacheElExpressions

      public org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.ELExpressionCacheMode getCacheElExpressions()
      Indicates if expressions generated by facelets should be cached or not.
    • getViewPoolMaxPoolSize

      public Integer getViewPoolMaxPoolSize()
      Defines the number of views to be hold per each view metadata definition.
    • getViewPoolMaxDynamicPartialLimit

      public Integer getViewPoolMaxDynamicPartialLimit()
      Defines the limit of the views that cannot be reused partially.
    • getViewPoolEntryMode

      public String getViewPoolEntryMode()
      Defines the type of memory reference that is used to hold the view into memory.
    • getViewPoolDeferredNavigation

      public Boolean getViewPoolDeferredNavigation()
      Defines if the view pool uses deferred navigation to recycle views when navigation is performed.
    • getValidator

      public MyfacesProperties.Validator getValidator()
    • getExpressionFactory

      public Class<? extends jakarta.el.ExpressionFactory> getExpressionFactory()
      This parameter specifies the ExpressionFactory implementation to use.
    • getInitializeAlwaysStandalone

      public Boolean getInitializeAlwaysStandalone()
      If this param is set to true, the check for faces servlet mapping is not done.
    • getFacesInitializer

      public Class<? extends org.apache.myfaces.webapp.FacesInitializer> getFacesInitializer()
      Class name of a custom FacesInitializer implementation.
    • getFacesInitPlugins

      public List<Class<?>> getFacesInitPlugins()
      comma delimited list of plugin classes which can be hooked into myfaces.
    • setLogWebContextParams

      public void setLogWebContextParams(String logWebContextParams)
      Indicate if log all web config params should be done before initialize the webapp.
    • setEnumConverterAllowStringPasstrough

      public void setEnumConverterAllowStringPasstrough(Boolean enumConverterAllowStringPasstrough)
      If value is a String instance and this param is true, pass it directly without try any change.
    • setErrorHandler

      public void setErrorHandler(String errorHandler)
      Deprecated: use JSF 2.0 ExceptionHandler.
    • setCheckedViewidCacheSize

      public void setCheckedViewidCacheSize(Integer checkedViewidCacheSize)
      Controls the size of the cache used to 'remember' if a view exists or not.
    • setCheckedViewidCacheEnabled

      public void setCheckedViewidCacheEnabled(Boolean checkedViewidCacheEnabled)
      Enable or disable a cache used to 'remember' if a view exists or not and reduce the impact " + "of sucesive calls to ExternalContext.getResource().
    • setPrettyHtml

      public void setPrettyHtml(Boolean prettyHtml)
      If true, rendered HTML code will be formatted, so that it is "human readable".
    • setAllowJavascript

      public void setAllowJavascript(Boolean allowJavascript)
      This parameter tells MyFaces if javascript code should be allowed in the rendered HTML output.
    • setConfigRefreshPeriod

      public void setConfigRefreshPeriod(Duration configRefreshPeriod)
      Set the time in seconds that check for updates of web.
    • setViewstateJavascript

      public void setViewstateJavascript(Boolean viewstateJavascript)
      Set the view state using a javascript function instead a hidden input field.
    • setRenderViewstateId

      public void setRenderViewstateId(Boolean renderViewstateId)
      Define if the input field that should store the state.
    • setStrictXhtmlLinks

      public void setStrictXhtmlLinks(Boolean strictXhtmlLinks)
      Use &amp; entity instead a plain & character within HTML.
    • setRenderClearJavascriptForButton

      public void setRenderClearJavascriptForButton(Boolean renderClearJavascriptForButton)
      This param renders the clear javascript on button necessary only for compatibility with hidden fields feature of myfaces.
    • setRenderHiddenFieldsForLinkParams

      public void setRenderHiddenFieldsForLinkParams(Boolean renderHiddenFieldsForLinkParams)
      This param renders hidden fields at the end of h:form for link params when h:commandLink + f:param is used, instead use javascript to create them.
    • setSaveFormSubmitLinkIe

      public void setSaveFormSubmitLinkIe(Boolean saveFormSubmitLinkIe)
      Add a code that save the form before submit using a link.
    • setDelegateFacesServlet

      public void setDelegateFacesServlet(Class<?> delegateFacesServlet)
      Define an alternate class name that will be used to initialize MyFaces, instead the default javax.
    • setRefreshTransientBuildOnPss

      public void setRefreshTransientBuildOnPss(String refreshTransientBuildOnPss)
      Indicate if the facelet associated to the view should be reapplied when the view is refreshed.
    • setRefreshTransientBuildOnPssPreserveState

      public void setRefreshTransientBuildOnPssPreserveState(Boolean refreshTransientBuildOnPssPreserveState)
      Enable or disable a special mode that enable full state for parent components containing c:if, c:forEach, c:choose and ui:include with src=ELExpression.
    • setValidateXml

      public void setValidateXml(Boolean validateXml)
      If set to true, tag library XML files and faces config XML files using schema will be validated during application start up.
    • setWrapScriptContentWithXmlCommentTag

      public void setWrapScriptContentWithXmlCommentTag(Boolean wrapScriptContentWithXmlCommentTag)
      Wrap content inside script with xml comment to prevent old browsers to display it.
    • setRenderFormSubmitScriptInline

      public void setRenderFormSubmitScriptInline(Boolean renderFormSubmitScriptInline)
      If set true, render the form submit script inline, as in myfaces core 1.
    • setDebugPhaseListener

      public void setDebugPhaseListener(Boolean debugPhaseListener)
      Enable/disable DebugPhaseListener feature, with provide useful information about ValueHolder variables (submittedValue, localValue, value).
    • setStrictJsf2RefreshTargetAjax

      public void setStrictJsf2RefreshTargetAjax(Boolean strictJsf2RefreshTargetAjax)
      Detect if a target (usually head) should be update for the current view in an ajax render operation.
    • setStrictJsf2CcElResolver

      public void setStrictJsf2CcElResolver(String strictJsf2CcElResolver)
      Change default getType() behavior for composite component EL resolver, from return null (see JSF 2_0 spec section 5_6_2_2) to use the metadata information added by composite:attribute, ensuring components working with chained EL expressions to find the right type when a getType() is called over the source EL expression.
    • setDefaultResponseWriterContentTypeMode

      public void setDefaultResponseWriterContentTypeMode(String DefaultResponseWriterContentTypeMode)
      Define the default content type that the default ResponseWriter generates, when no match can be derived from HTTP Accept Header.
    • setViewUniqueIdsCacheEnabled

      public void setViewUniqueIdsCacheEnabled(Boolean viewUniqueIdsCacheEnabled)
      Enable or disable a cache used to 'remember' the generated facelets unique ids " + "and reduce the impact over memory usage.
    • setComponentUniqueIdsCacheSize

      public void setComponentUniqueIdsCacheSize(Integer componentUniqueIdsCacheSize)
      Set the size of the cache used to store strings generated using SectionUniqueIdCounter for component ids.
    • setSupportJspAndFacesEl

      public void setSupportJspAndFacesEl(Boolean supportJspAndFacesEl)
      If set false, myfaces won't support JSP and javax.faces.el. JSP are deprecated in " + "JSF 2.X, javax.faces.el in in JSF 1.2. Default value is true.
    • setGaeJsfJarFiles

      public void setGaeJsfJarFiles(String gaeJsfJarFiles)
      When the application runs inside Google Application Engine container (GAE), indicate which jar files should be scanned for files (faces-config, facelets taglib or annotations).
    • setGaeJsfAnnotationsJarFiles

      public void setGaeJsfAnnotationsJarFiles(String gaeJsfAnnotationsJarFiles)
      When the application runs inside Google Application Engine container (GAE), indicate which jar files should be scanned for annotations.
    • setStrictJsf2ViewNotFound

      public void setStrictJsf2ViewNotFound(Boolean strictJsf2ViewNotFound)
      If this param is set to true, a check will be done in Restore View Phase to check if the viewId exists or not and if it does not exists, a 404 response will be thrown.
    • setEarlyFlushEnabled

      public void setEarlyFlushEnabled(Boolean earlyFlushEnabled)
      Enable or disable an early flush which allows to send e.g. the HTML-Head to the client " + "while the rest gets rendered. It's a well known technique to reduce the time for loading a page.
    • setCdiManagedConvertersEnabled

      public void setCdiManagedConvertersEnabled(Boolean cdiManagedConvertersEnabled)
      Enable or disable CDI support for converters.
    • setCdiManagedValidatorsEnabled

      public void setCdiManagedValidatorsEnabled(Boolean cdiManagedValidatorsEnabled)
      Enable or disable CDI support for validators.
    • setStrictJsf2FaceletsCompatibility

      public void setStrictJsf2FaceletsCompatibility(Boolean strictJsf2FaceletsCompatibility)
      This param makes components like c:set, ui:param and templating components like ui:decorate, ui:composition and ui:include to behave like the ones provided originally in facelets 1_1_x.
    • setRenderFormViewStateAtBegin

      public void setRenderFormViewStateAtBegin(Boolean renderFormViewStateAtBegin)
      This param makes h:form component to render the view state and other hidden fields at the beginning of the form.
    • setFlashScopeDisabled

      public void setFlashScopeDisabled(Boolean flashScopeDisabled)
      Defines whether flash scope is disabled, preventing add the Flash cookie to the response.
    • setNumberOfViewsInSession

      public void setNumberOfViewsInSession(Integer numberOfViewsInSession)
      Defines the amount (default = 20) of the latest views are stored in session.
    • setNumberOfSequentialViewsInSession

      public void setNumberOfSequentialViewsInSession(Integer numberOfSequentialViewsInSession)
      Indicates the amount of views (default is not active) that should be stored in session between sequential POST or POST-REDIRECT-GET if org.
    • setNumberOfFlashTokensInSession

      public void setNumberOfFlashTokensInSession(Integer numberOfFlashTokensInSession)
      Indicate the max number of flash tokens stored into session.
    • setFacesFlowClientWindowIdsInSession

      public void setFacesFlowClientWindowIdsInSession(Integer facesFlowClientWindowIdsInSession)
      Indicate the max number of client window ids stored into session by faces flow.
    • setSupportEl3ImportHandler

      public void setSupportEl3ImportHandler(Boolean supportEl3ImportHandler)
      This parameter specifies whether or not the ImportHandler will be supported.
    • setResourceMaxTimeExpires

      public void setResourceMaxTimeExpires(Duration resourceMaxTimeExpires)
      Set the max time in miliseconds set on the "Expires" header for a resource rendered by the default ResourceHandler.
    • setResourceHandlerCacheSize

      public void setResourceHandlerCacheSize(Integer resourceHandlerCacheSize)
      Controls the size of the cache used to check if a resource exists or not.
    • setResourceHandlerCacheEnabled

      public void setResourceHandlerCacheEnabled(Boolean resourceHandlerCacheEnabled)
      Enable or disable the cache used to "remember" if a resource handled by the default ResourceHandler exists or not.
    • setUseEncryption

      public void setUseEncryption(Boolean useEncryption)
      Indicate if the view state is encrypted or not.
    • setSecret

      public void setSecret(String secret)
      Defines the secret (Base64 encoded) used to initialize the secret key for encryption algorithm.
    • setSecretCache

      public void setSecretCache(Boolean secretCache)
      If is set to "false", the secret key used for encryption algorithm is not cached.
    • setAlgorithm

      public void setAlgorithm(String algorithm)
      Indicate the encryption algorithm used for encrypt the view state.
    • setAlgorithmIv

      public void setAlgorithmIv(String algorithmIv)
      Defines the initialization vector (Base64 encoded) used for the encryption algorithm.
    • setAlgorithmParameters

      public void setAlgorithmParameters(String algorithmParameters)
      Defines the default mode and padding used for the encryption algorithm.
    • setSerialFactory

      public void setSerialFactory(Class<? extends org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.serial.SerialFactory> serialFactory)
      Defines the factory class name using for serialize/deserialize the view state returned by state manager into a byte array.
    • setCompressStateInClient

      public void setCompressStateInClient(Boolean compressStateInClient)
      Indicate if the view state should be compressed before encrypted(optional) and encoded.
    • setMacAlgorithm

      public void setMacAlgorithm(String macAlgorithm)
      Indicate the algorithm used to calculate the Message Authentication Code that is added to the view state.
    • setMacSecret

      public void setMacSecret(String macSecret)
      Define the initialization code that are used to initialize the secret key used on the Message Authentication Code algorithm.
    • setMacSecretCache

      public void setMacSecretCache(Boolean macSecretCache)
      If is set to "false", the secret key used for MAC algorithm is not cached.
    • setLazyLoadConfigObjects

      public void setLazyLoadConfigObjects(Boolean lazyLoadConfigObjects)
      Indicate if the classes associated to components, converters, validators or behaviors should be loaded as soon as they are added to the current application instance or instead loaded in a lazy way.
    • setStrictJsf2AllowSlashLibraryName

      public void setStrictJsf2AllowSlashLibraryName(Boolean strictJsf2AllowSlashLibraryName)
      Allow slash in the library name of a Resource.
    • setResourceBufferSize

      public void setResourceBufferSize(org.springframework.util.unit.DataSize resourceBufferSize)
      Define the default buffer size that is used between Resource.
    • setRandomKeyInCsrfSessionToken

      public void setRandomKeyInCsrfSessionToken(String randomKeyInCsrfSessionToken)
      Defines how to generate the csrf session token.
    • setRandomKeyInCsrfSessionTokenLength

      public void setRandomKeyInCsrfSessionTokenLength(Integer randomKeyInCsrfSessionTokenLength)
      Set the default length of the random key used for the csrf session token.
    • setRandomKeyInCsrfSessionTokenSecureRandomClass

      public void setRandomKeyInCsrfSessionTokenSecureRandomClass(String randomKeyInCsrfSessionTokenSecureRandomClass)
      Sets the random class to initialize the secure random id generator.
    • setRandomKeyInCsrfSessionTokenSecureRandomProvider

      public void setRandomKeyInCsrfSessionTokenSecureRandomProvider(String randomKeyInCsrfSessionTokenSecureRandomProvider)
      Sets the random provider to initialize the secure random id generator.
    • setRandomKeyInCsrfSessionTokenSecureRandomAlgoritm

      public void setRandomKeyInCsrfSessionTokenSecureRandomAlgoritm(String randomKeyInCsrfSessionTokenSecureRandomAlgoritm)
      Sets the random algorithm to initialize the secure random id generator.
    • setClientViewStateTimeout

      public void setClientViewStateTimeout(Duration clientViewStateTimeout)
      Define the time in minutes where the view state is valid when client side state saving is used.
    • setSerializeStateInSession

      public void setSerializeStateInSession(Boolean serializeStateInSession)
      Indicate if the state should be serialized before save it on the session.
    • setCompressStateInSession

      public void setCompressStateInSession(Boolean compressStateInSession)
      Indicates that the serialized state will be compressed before it is written to the session.
    • setCacheOldViewsInSessionMode

      public void setCacheOldViewsInSessionMode(Boolean cacheOldViewsInSessionMode)
      This parameter has been removed from 2.
    • setUseFlashScopePurgeViewsInSession

      public void setUseFlashScopePurgeViewsInSession(Boolean useFlashScopePurgeViewsInSession)
      Allow use flash scope to keep track of the views used in session and the previous ones, so server side state saving can delete old views even if POST-REDIRECT-GET pattern is used.
    • setRandomKeyInViewStateSessionToken

      public void setRandomKeyInViewStateSessionToken(String randomKeyInViewStateSessionToken)
      Adds a random key to the generated view state session token.
    • setRandomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenLength

      public void setRandomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenLength(Integer randomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenLength)
      Set the default length of the random key added to the view state session token.
    • setRandomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomClass

      public void setRandomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomClass(Class<? extends SecureRandom> randomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomClass)
      Sets the random class to initialize the secure random id generator.
    • setRandomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomProvider

      public void setRandomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomProvider(String randomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomProvider)
      Sets the random provider to initialize the secure random id generator.
    • setRandomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomAlgorithm

      public void setRandomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomAlgorithm(String randomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomAlgorithm)
      Sets the random algorithm to initialize the secure random id generator.
    • setValidate

      public void setValidate(Boolean validate)
      Validate if the managed beans and navigations rules are correct.
    • setInitializeSkipJarFacesConfigScan

      public void setInitializeSkipJarFacesConfigScan(Boolean initializeSkipJarFacesConfigScan)
      If the flag is true, the algoritm skip jar scanning for faces-config files to check if the current application requires FacesServlet to be added dynamically (servlet spec 3).
    • setElResolverComparator

      public void setElResolverComparator(Class<? extends Comparator<jakarta.el.ELResolver>> elResolverComparator)
      The Class of an Comparator<ELResolver/> implementation.
    • setElResolverPredicate

      public void setElResolverPredicate(Class<?> elResolverPredicate)
      The Class of an Predicate<ELResolver> implementation. If used and returns true for a ELResolver instance, such resolver will not be installed in ELResolvers chain. Use with caution - can break functionality defined in JSF specification 'ELResolver Instances Provided by Faces'. For MyFaces versions up to 2.2.x the class provided here must implement the Predicate interface, since version 2.3.0 the class must implement the Predicate interface.
      See Also:
      • ResolverBuilderBase.EL_RESOLVER_PREDICATE
      • Predicate
      • Predicate
    • setDefaultWindowMode

      public void setDefaultWindowMode(String defaultWindowMode)
      no description.
    • setErrorTemplateResource

      public void setErrorTemplateResource(String errorTemplateResource)
      Indicate the template name used to render the default error page used by MyFaces specific error handler implementation.
    • setDebugTemplateResource

      public void setDebugTemplateResource(String debugTemplateResource)
      Indicate the template name used to render the default debug page (see ui:debug tag).
    • setErrorHandling

      public void setErrorHandling(Boolean errorHandling)
      Indicate if myfaces is responsible to handle errors.
    • setAutocompleteOffViewState

      public void setAutocompleteOffViewState(Boolean autocompleteOffViewState)
      Add autocomplete="off" to the view state hidden field.
    • setUseMultipleJsFilesForJsfUncompressedJs

      public void setUseMultipleJsFilesForJsfUncompressedJs(Boolean useMultipleJsFilesForJsfUncompressedJs)
      If this param is true and the project stage is development mode, the source javascript files will be loaded separately instead have all in just one file, to preserve line numbers and make javascript debugging of the default jsf javascript file more simple.
    • setJsfJsMode

      public void setJsfJsMode(String jsfJsMode)
      Define the mode used for jsf.
    • setTemporalResourcehandlerCacheEnabled

      public void setTemporalResourcehandlerCacheEnabled(Boolean temporalResourcehandlerCacheEnabled)
      If this param is set to true (default false), a temporal directory is created and all files handled by this ResourceLoader are cached there, avoiding the problem described on MYFACES-3586.
    • setServiceProviderFinder

      public void setServiceProviderFinder(Class<? extends org.apache.myfaces.spi.ServiceProviderFinder> serviceProviderFinder)
      Class name of a custom ServiceProviderFinder implementation.
    • setCheckIdProductionMode

      public void setCheckIdProductionMode(String checkIdProductionMode)
      Define how duplicate ids are checked when ProjectStage is Production, by default (auto) it only check ids of components that does not encapsulate markup (like facelets UILeaf).
    • setMarkInitialStateWhenApplyBuildView

      public void setMarkInitialStateWhenApplyBuildView(Boolean markInitialStateWhenApplyBuildView)
      no description.
    • setWrapTagExceptionsAsContextAware

      public void setWrapTagExceptionsAsContextAware(Boolean wrapTagExceptionsAsContextAware)
      Wrap exception caused by calls to EL expressions, so information like the location, expression string and tag name can be retrieved by the ExceptionHandler implementation and used to output meaningful information about itself.
    • setCacheElExpressions

      public void setCacheElExpressions(org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.ELExpressionCacheMode cacheElExpressions)
      Indicates if expressions generated by facelets should be cached or not.
    • setViewPoolMaxPoolSize

      public void setViewPoolMaxPoolSize(Integer viewPoolMaxPoolSize)
      Defines the number of views to be hold per each view metadata definition.
    • setViewPoolMaxDynamicPartialLimit

      public void setViewPoolMaxDynamicPartialLimit(Integer viewPoolMaxDynamicPartialLimit)
      Defines the limit of the views that cannot be reused partially.
    • setViewPoolEntryMode

      public void setViewPoolEntryMode(String viewPoolEntryMode)
      Defines the type of memory reference that is used to hold the view into memory.
    • setViewPoolDeferredNavigation

      public void setViewPoolDeferredNavigation(Boolean viewPoolDeferredNavigation)
      Defines if the view pool uses deferred navigation to recycle views when navigation is performed.
    • setExpressionFactory

      public void setExpressionFactory(Class<? extends jakarta.el.ExpressionFactory> expressionFactory)
      This parameter specifies the ExpressionFactory implementation to use.
    • setInitializeAlwaysStandalone

      public void setInitializeAlwaysStandalone(Boolean initializeAlwaysStandalone)
      If this param is set to true, the check for faces servlet mapping is not done.
    • setFacesInitializer

      public void setFacesInitializer(Class<? extends org.apache.myfaces.webapp.FacesInitializer> facesInitializer)
      Class name of a custom FacesInitializer implementation.
    • setFacesInitPlugins

      public void setFacesInitPlugins(List<Class<?>> facesInitPlugins)
      comma delimited list of plugin classes which can be hooked into myfaces.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object